Travel grants
National ASCEPT Student Travel Awards
This award is available to support student attendance at the meeting. You must indicate your wish to be considered for a student travel grant when submitting your abstract via the online submission site. After entering your contact details, answer YES to the question, “Applying for a student travel grant?”.
To be eligible for a travel grant, an applicant:
• must be a full-time registered student
• must not have already received 4 or more travel grants from ASCEPT in previous years
• must be presenting an oral or poster communication at the meeting
• must be a financial student member of ASCEPT.
Abstract submissions and travel grant applications close on Friday 13 September 2013.
Travel grant awardees will be responsible for organising all their own travel arrangements. Grants are given to assist with travel only. There is a limited pool of funds for student grants and the amount awarded depends upon:
- Home city to ASM location
- Number of applications
To receive a travel grant students must present to the Secretariat Desk at the ASM and lodge EFT details.
Payment will be processed in the week following.