Awards and prizes
APSA Prizes
APSA recognises excellence by providing several competitive awards for members at varying stages of their scientific careers. The APSA medal is our association’s highest award to recognise excellence and lasting contribution to the pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy practice and/or pharmacy education. Nominations will be sought in June 2015.
In addition, several Student Prizes are awarded at the Annual Conference in recognition of excellence amongst honours and higher degree student members. In order to be eligible for an APSA award, nominees must be financial members prior to the conference abstract submission deadline. Students are only eligible for one award, either the oral award or the poster award, but not both. Students presenting an oral abstract may choose to prepare their abstract as a poster as well, but are only eligible for the oral award.
ASCEPT Gillian Shenfield Early Educator Award
The ASCEPT Gillian Shenfield Early Educator Award was established in 2012 and is awarded annually to an ASCEPT full member to recognise and reward initiatives in pharmacology education that lead to enhanced student outcomes. Applicants must have been members of ASCEPT for at least 2 years and at the level of Lecturer Level B (or equivalent) or below. Applicants can be involved in any aspect of teaching in pharmacology or toxicology, either basic or clinical, and should demonstrate that they have changed their teaching practices to improve learning outcomes amongst their students.
To apply for this prize applicants must:
- in addition to a standard abstract, submit an Application Package (in PDF format) via email to at the same time as abstract submission
View the ASCEPT Gillian Shenfield Early Educator Award Guidelines
All applications will be judged by a panel nominated by the ASCEPT Education Forum. The successful applicant will be invited to present their challenge at the Education Symposia/Workshop at the ASCEPT Annual Scientific Meeting. Other applicants will be allocated a poster or oral presentation as decided by the Scientific Advisory Committee.
ASCEPT Student Member Prizes
Several student prizes are on offer each year at the Annual Scientific Meeting of ASCEPT. Prizes are open to all Honours and Higher Degree (i.e. PhD and Masters) students and clinicians in an accredited training program, or clinicians who have worked for less than seven years full-time since completing their undergraduate degree. To be eligible for ASCEPT prizes, students must be financial members of ASCEPT by the abstract submission deadline.
ASCEPT Garth McQueen Prize (Oral Communication Prize)
The ASCEPT Garth McQueen Prize was established in memory of Professor Garth McQueen, a member of the original steering committee which established ASCEPT and is awarded annually for the best oral communication by a Higher Degree student member of ASCEPT. A Higher Degree student constitutes anyone undertaking a Masters Degree or PhD in a relevant biomedical discipline. Clinicians in an accredited training program, or who have worked for less than seven years full-time since completing their undergraduate degree, are also eligible.
To apply for this prize students must:
- in addition to a standard abstract, submit an 800 word project description (in PDF format) via email to at the same time as abstract submission
View 800 word project description guidelines
Students will be shortlisted on the basis of the scientific quality, innovation and significance of their study by an ASCEPT judging panel. Students who are shortlisted for the ASCEPT Garth McQueen Prize may still present their abstract in poster format so that they remain in contention for the poster prizes. Students who are not shortlisted, will automatically be included in the poster program and thus eligible for the poster prizes.
ASCEPT Clinical Pharmacology Trainee Prize (Oral Communication Prize)
The ASCEPT Clinical Pharmacology Trainee prize is awarded for: The best research presentation by a Clinical Pharmacology Trainee at the annual scientific meeting of ASCEPT. Eligible trainees will be current ASCEPT members and currently enrolled as trainees in Clinical Pharmacology under the Specialty Training Committee for Clinical Pharmacology. This prize recognises the importance of research to the discipline of Clinical Pharmacology and the importance of experience in presenting at scientific meetings to training in the discipline. All trainees are encouraged to submit abstracts.
To apply for this prize clinical pharmacology trainees must:
- select ASCEPT Clinical Pharmacology Trainee as the abstract theme and indicate trainee status from the drop-down boxes on the abstract submission page
The six highest ranked abstracts (the number may vary, dependent on the conference program) will be invited to make oral presentations which will be judged at the dedicated Clinical Pharmacology Trainee session on the basis of scientific merit, relevance to the discipline and quality of presentation. The remaining abstracts will be considered for poster presentation or oral presentations at other sessions at the discretion of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
ASCEPT Poster Prizes
All ASCEPT financial student members who submit their abstract prior to the submission closing date will automatically be included in the poster program and hence in the running for the ASCEPT Neville Percy or ASCEPT Robert Whelan Prizes and any relevant Special Interest Group prizes. View details about submitting a poster and download the 2015 ASCEPT Poster Instructions.
ASCEPT Neville Percy Prize
The ASCEPT Neville Percy Prize was established in memory of Dr Neville Percy, one of the founding members of the Society and is awarded annually to a Higher Degree student for the best poster communication at the Annual Scientific Meeting.
ASCEPT Robert Whelan Prize
The ASCEPT Robert Whelan Prize was established in memory of Professor Robert Whelan, a co-founder of the Society and is awarded annually to a BSc Honours, BMedSci or equivalent degree student for the best poster communication at the Annual Scientific Meeting.
ASCEPT Integrative Pharmacology/Toxicology Prize
The ASCEPT Integrative Pharmacology/Toxicology Prize was established in 2010 and is awarded at the Annual Scientific Meeting to an Honours OR Higher Degree student for the best poster communication in this category. Eligibility criteria can be viewed by logging into the members’ area on the
Special Interest Group Prizes
Students whose research falls under an area of interest of one of ASCEPT’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will automatically be considered for the relevant SIG Prize. Note SIGs covering clinical research areas (i.e. the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology SIGs) may also consider registrants in an accredited training program and non-students who have worked for less than seven years full-time since completing their first undergraduate degree, for their prizes.
The following Special Interest Groups award a prize annually to the student who gives the best overall presentation in their specific research field.
• Cardiovascular Prize
• Clinical Prize for Trainees
• Clinical Prize
• Drug Disposition and Response Prize
• Drug Discovery Prize
• Education Prize
• Gastro Urogenital Prize
• Pharmacogenomics Prize
• Toxicology Prize
• Neuro- and Behavioural Pharmacology Prize