Keynote speakers
Japanese Pharmacological Society keynote address
Professor Yuji Ikegaya, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof Ikegaya’s research fields are neuropharmacology and neurophysiology. He explores neuronal plasticity and is also involved in the Ikegaya’s ERATO brain-AI hybrid project, aiming to develop a new dimension of intelligence using transplantation of AI chips into the brains.
British Pharmacological Society keynote address
Professor Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, University of Manchester, UK
Prof Amin is Director of the Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR) at the University of Manchester. Professor Rostami is renowned for his contribution to translational modelling (e.g. PBPK) and has been an invited speaker at over 190 international and national meetings, in addition to leading numerous workshops in the area of IVIVE- PBPK linked models.
Prof Rostami has an active program of training PhD students involving proteomics, PBPK, clinical PKPD and precision dosing.
Graduates from his team hold positions in the pharmaceutical industry or academia. As a co-founder of Simcyp Limited (a University of Sheffield spin-off acquired by Certara), Amin joined Certara in 2012 in a part-time role.
ASCEPT Rand Medal lecture
Professor Patrick Sexton, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
Professor Sexton is a NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University. He is a leader in the study of GPCRs, biased agonism, on allosteric interactions between GPCRs and other proteins, and small molecule ligands. Prof. Sexton has received numerous awards including the ASCEPT Lecturer award, Endocrine Society of Australia Senior Plenary award, Vane Medal (British Pharmacological Society (BPS)), and the GSK award for Research Excellence.
He is also a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Research (Pharmacology & Toxicology). Prof. Sexton is an adjunct Professor of Fudan University in Shanghai, a member of the SAB for the Chinese National Centre for Drug Screening, an elected Fellow of the BPS and Editor-in-Chief for ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science.
ISOP Lecture
Dr Don Mager, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
Dr. Mager is Professor and Vice Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. He is also President and CEO of Enhanced Pharmacodynamics, LLC. He has served on the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology Advisory Committee to the FDA and currently serves as an Associate Editor at CPT:Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacology. He is a Fellow and former President of the International Society of Pharmacometrics and is a Fellow and President-Elect of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology.
Dr. Mager received the ASCPT Malle Jurima–Romet Mid-Career Leadership Award and is also a Fellow of AAPS and AAAS. In addition, he is an expert member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences at FIP and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board to Simcyp. His research focuses on identifying molecular and physiological factors that control the pharmacological properties of drugs by combining experimental data with pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology modeling, with a focus on anti-cancer and immunomodulatory agents. Current efforts seek to combine network-based analysis with empirical and systems models to explore combinatorial anti-cancer drug regimens, heterogeneity in cancer responses, and chemotherapy-induced adverse drug reactions. He served as a Co-Editor of the book Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics and has contributed to 140+ peer-reviewed publications.